On top of pleasing the palates and taste buds of the participants, the Festival also aims at raising positive awareness around refugees. It is therefore very important to document the event and put forward the skills and talents of the chefs. One way to do that is through portraits published on the Refugee Food Stories platform. We will guide you through this to make sure we convey the spirit of the Festival all the while putting forward the chefs’ qualities to better their employability: articles, portraits, testimonials, recipes, photos, videos, etc.

✔ We will support you on the editorial content: articles, portraits, testimonials, recipes, photos, videos, etc.

✔ You will have to create a small written portrait of the chefs - according to the guidelines we will provide you with - in order to present the chefs on the Refugee Food Stories platform and thus maximise the professional integration of the chef. Luc, our editor, will be able to accompany you on the writing of these portraits to best valorise the talents and the history of these extraordinary chefs!

Photos ©Nicolas Boyer @Vassili Feodoroff

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