JOIN THE COMMUNITY AND ORGANISE AN EVENTFrom one to tens of restaurants, anything is possible! The coordination team of the Refugee Food Festival will lead and support you through the process. Get in touch with us by clicking here.

JOIN A TEAM OR VOLUNTEER AT A LOCAL FESTIVALWant to commit to a project that means something to you? Are you a photographer, a writer, or just a motivated volunteer? Get in touch with us by clicking here.

“WANT TO KNOW MORE?” Ask us all your questions here, and we will get back to you shortly : [email protected]


Organising a RFF will be a fulfilling, exciting and enriching experience for you & the community around you.

Because food brings us together and breaks barriers.

Anyone with good will, (some) hard work and the right team can organize a RFF.

From one to tens of restaurants, the Festival is flexible and adjustable.

Organising a Refugee Food Festival doesn't require huge funds. It will however require some time & personal investment to be done right.

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