This kit was developed by the Refugee Food Festival team, in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It is freely accessible and aims at being enriched after each edition.

Question? Feedback? Remark? Get in touch : [email protected].

for more information on the Refugee Food Festival project, please visit :

Design - Eyad Birowti

The Team : Louis Martin, Marine Mandrila, Céline Schmitt - UNHCR, Fadma Moumtaz - UNHCR, Bettina Reveyron, Lorraine Niss, Dina Zyadeh - UNHCR Innovation, Christopher Earney - UNHCR Innovation, Hans Park - UNHCR Innovation, Lauren Parater - UNHCR Innovation, Anatole Royer (Parade Studio), Luc Dagognet, Amélie Groffier, Justine Evrard, Côme Le Quilleuc, Marion Angelini - UNHCR, Maia Abderrahim - UNHCR.

Photos copyrights : ©UNHCR/Benjamin Loyseau, ©Corentin Fohlen pour le New York Times, ©Nicolas Boyer, ©Vassili Feodoroff, ©Côme Le Quilleuc, ©Refugee Food Festival, ©Jean-Louis Hesse

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