Compared to other types of events, covering the costs for the organisation of a Refugee Food Festival is a relatively smooth process mostly because its funding is based on the traditional economic model of restaurants. Meaning that restaurateurs cover the costs associated with the organisation of the event within their restaurant on the day (as they will generate profit from the event which will help to cover these costs) while the organising team of the festival is in charge of finding funding to cover the costs of coordination and communication.

The restaurant has to pay the wage of the invited chef (to be agreed with the Coordination team) as well as cover the costs of the supplies.

During a Refugee Food Festival, customers pay for their meals in participating restaurants. The Festival is therefore a part of the economic model of the restaurant and the wages of refugee chefs and supplies have to be covered by them. In addition, if the restaurant makes a profit from hosting the event, we encourage them to donate it to local associations working with refugees, which we will select together.

The event can rely on financial partners for monetary or in-kind donations: city halls, foundations, local companies, brands, sponsors, etc. In-kind donations can, for example, include poster printing by a local printer who then becomes a partner of the Festival. How should you get in touch with the right partners? Don’t panic! The Coordination team will guide and support you through the process!

Photos ©Vassili Feodoroff, ©Nicolas Boyer, ©Corentin Fohlen

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