Photo ©Nicolas Boyer

☞The choice of the date and the program are key elements of the event. It was built around the World Refugee day in 2016 on the 20th of June.

The Festival takes place over a few days, in one or more cities and includes a number of participating restaurants. Ideally each restaurant participates for a day (lunch and/or dinner). The program of the Festival needs to be evenly spread out over the few days for participants to have different options. For example, should you mobilise 5 restaurants over 5 days, the best option would be to have the event in one restaurant each day. Each restaurant also needs to have their own specificity compared to others. The program of your event should allow participants to discover not one but a few different cuisines throughout the event. There should also be an opening day and a closing one.

For the first edition of the Refugee Food Festival in Paris, we had 4 restaurants programmed at the same time over 2 days. Some participants noted that they would have enjoyed having the option to go to the other restaurants but couldn’t because they were programmed at the same time. Hence we recommend that you carefully spread out your program.

Depending on local schedules, it is also possible to plan a Refugee Food Festival on a smaller scale, without coordination with other cities or regions. Should that be the case, the event should still be planned according to a symbolic date: a local event around food (like the Gastronomy week we have in France for example) or solidarity. Please, contact us through this page.

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