After weeks, or even months of planning, the day has finally come! Before being able to fully enjoy the event, there are still a few boxes to be ticked while you make sure that you are present in case something comes up.

Make sure that you assign a team member to each restaurant on the day of the event. The person should be present from the beginning of the preparation all through the event in order to deal with any last minute requests like a missing ingredient or utensil. That way both chefs will be able to focus on preparing their menu.

Ask each restaurant if they would like to have someone from your team greet the guests as they walk through the door. The idea is to remind guests that this is a special day, that the restaurant is hosting a refugee chef. Make yourself available during the meal, go around the restaurant and answer any questions the guests might have. That way you’ll also be able to remind them of the values and missions of the Festival.

✔ To help you in this task we will provide you with leaflets that you’ll be able to give to the guests. This is an important step as it contributes to convey the spirit of the Festival.

Towards the end of the meal, when the restaurant is still full, ask the refugee chef to say a few words in front of the guests. This step is crucial and cannot, under any circumstances, be forgotten. As one the objectives of the Festival is to showcase the skills and talents of the chefs, it is necessary that they are put forward. It is also one of the most moving moments of your event! Finally, go around the tables with the chef so the guests have the opportunity to chat with him or her.

❝ In Paris, during the first edition of the Festival, some chefs were received with standing ovations that lasted a few minutes! ❞

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