1.The costs related to the physical organisation of the event itself and on the day (refugee chefs’ wages, food supplies, etc.). These are incompressible but taken on by the restaurants.

2.The costs related to the organisation and communication of the event (team management, printing of flyers, video and photos, post-production, etc.). These can be done by volunteers or covered by in-kind partnerships.

Photo ©Corentin Fohlen pour Le New York Times

Some costs can be reduced or completely absorbed, especially the ones related to the organisation and communication. For example, in Paris in June 2016 we organised the event together with a team of volunteers (for the organisation, coordination, graphics, photo and video production) and the event was a real success. In this regard we developed some tools to help you manage your budget, more specifically with regards to the costs associated to communication: visuals, website, etc (see The Tools.)

✔ We will provide a budget template that will facilitate its monitoring!

On the contrary, the wage of the refugee chefs is an unavoidable cost - and it cannot be reduced. It is also important to anticipate the costs related to the exceptional organisation of such an event and the time spent on the preparation and planning before the day of the event.

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