It is important to take into account the restaurants’ usual clientele in order to offer them the appropriate support, more specifically for the ones that are not usually fully booked. You won’t necessarily need to focus your efforts on the restaurants that are usually full as it is very likely that they will still be on the day of the event. A lot of tools can be used to support the restaurants through this process and ensure that your event is a success:

❝The first edition of the Festival was such a success that restaurants’ phones would not stop ringing for a week before the event!❞

Word of mouth still remains one of the most efficient solutions! Talk about the event to your friends, your family, and other people around you. Tell the restaurant to do the same, with its customers, who will themselves become potential ambassadors of the event!

No need to know how to code to organise a Refugee Food Festival! In order to facilitate the organisation of your event we have created a website template, which will be hosted: (in development). It will list all the information related to the Festival in your city: program, restaurants, chefs, manifesto, etc.

✔ Don't panic! You will not have to code a website! We will provide you with a template.

Using media channels (print, radio, TV) is a great way of communicating about your event. Informing about the event, even people who cannot participate, is an impactful way to convey the values of the Refugee Food Festival. Making sure that there is good media coverage of the event will ensure that we fulfil our mission to debunk and counter the negative rhetoric around the refugee status all the while putting forward the skills and talents of the participating refugee chefs. One of the things that made the first editions of the Festival in Paris & Strasbourg such a success was the impressive media coverage it received (download the press release here). And some participating refugee chefs even had job offers from restaurateurs who had read about the project in the press.

✔ For this stage, we will provide you with a media kit and a press release template to help you mobilise the media.

✔ We will provide you as well with a Questions & Answers document, that will enable you to prepare for potential press interviews.

We will create a Facebook event for the Refugee Food Festival in your city on which we will communicate together about the event, make the community grow and reveal the program. We will also post on Instagram and Twitter. Social networks (and particularly the Facebook event) are a non-negligible dissemination tool, that should be anticipated as best as possible.

✔ We have prepared a template for Facebook events, which you will be able to personnalise.

Printing posters and flyers is an easy way to communicate about your event in participating restaurants, partners and key places in your city. We will provide you with posters and flyers.

✔ We will provide you with posters and flyers, you will just have to print and distribute them in your city and to the partner restaurants.

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