First you’ll need to pair up chefs with restaurants.

Taking into account the individual characteristics, wishes, personalities and identities of both the chef and the restaurant you’ll be able to pair them up in the best way possible.

❝ For example for the Refugee Food Festival in Paris, we paired up Keshar Sharma with a crepes restaurant because the dosas (Indian crepe) was one of his specialties. The next day we also paired him up with a cocktail bar as the barman wanted to elaborate a new cocktail menu to match dishes to drinks and Indian cuisine is full of different spices that go great with cocktails!❞

Once you’ve finished this pairing up, you’ll need to organise a meeting (or more than one!) between the refugee chef and the host restaurant. They’ll get to know each other and talk about the preparation and logistics for the event: elaborating the menu, managing the supplies, etc. For the event to be a success, make sure they have enough time to get to know each other and cover all the necessary points.

☞ The project holder (you!) and his/her team are the backbone of the event!

Photos ©Benjamin Loyseau pour le HCR, ©Refugee Food Festival

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