The Refugee Food Festival contributes to changing the way we look at refugees by helping to understand this status, and putting forward the participating chefs’ profiles. It aims to show that behind this ‘refugee crisis’, there are talented men and women with skills and know-how that are just waiting to be uncovered and put to good use in their host country.

The Festival seeks to ease the access to employment for refugees through food as a means of social and professional integration by putting forward the cuisine, skills and talents of refugees and enable them to get a job thanks to a community of committed restaurateurs and volunteers.

The Festival is a way for people to discover the best of cuisines from around the world, especially some that are less known: Afghan, Iranian, Syrian, Sri-Lankan, Chechen, Tibetan or Ethiopian… Complex and original menus made up of quality products will please everyone’s taste buds!

The Festival is a sociable event, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds around food. It is also a moment of sharing between refugee chefs and restaurateurs as they put together their culinary skills to create brand news flavours!

Photos ©UNHCR/Benjamin Loyseau, ©Vassili Feodoroff,

  • Citizen commitment: The Refugee Food Festival is a citizen initiative which contributes to show that civil society has an important role to play in welcoming refugees.

  • Open-mindedness: The Refugee Food Festival promotes a positive, empowering and virtuous state of mind in response to the prejudicial and dangerous rhetoric often used towards refugees.

  • Inclusion: Food is an amazing means of insertion and integration as well as an incredible gateway from one world to another.

  • Conviviality: The Refugee Food Festival is a sociable event during which people get to know each other while enjoying and discovering tasty food!

  • Solidarity: The Refugee Food Festival is a show of support towards refugees.

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